

My dotfiles, which includes fish shell functions & themes, my tmux config, macOS changes, and more.


Hammerspoon provides a robust and extensible interface for customizing macOS. I've implemented several plugins, including a window management solution, a menubar sleep timer for macOS, a menubar for quickly changing resolution, and more.


A simple web project that allows me to share a word of the day by invoking a Siri shortcut on iOS. The shortcut sends a POST request with a JSON payload to a serverless API. The API runs a query with Prisma, and the PostgreSQL database is updated.

Test Proj

A simple web project that allows me to share a word of the day by invoking a Siri shortcut on iOS. The shortcut sends a POST request with a JSON payload to a serverless API. The API runs a query with Prisma, and the PostgreSQL database is updated.
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